About Azizi Venice:
Dubai South, the city’s most expansive singular urban master development, Azizi Venice will become a part of a smart and futuristic metropolis.
Wake up to awe-inspiring lagoon views from your waterfront mansion or luxury apartment as you listen to the gentle cascade of waterfalls, all while being embraced by the serene beauty of lush greenery and vibrant nature.
enjoy a leisurely stroll or kayak along the bustling waterfront boulevard with luxury restaurants, retail boutiques, and cafes,
Because of its beautiful master plan as well as ultra fine community, retails like F&B, clinics and others having lot of up-scale potential of high ROIs as well as capital gain.
we do have multiple options and sized available for your choice.
Payment plan:
Booking with 20%
During Construction: 30%
Handover: 50%
For more details and meeting please contact us Mr. Faisal +971508007460
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